
Soudan Projects
Projects of Soudan
    Interior Roads in Port Sudan city and Red Sea State , Republic of Sudan
    Port Sudan - Kabatit Road
    Haiya - Port Sudan Road Contract ( III )
    Port Sudan - Airport Double Lane Road Project (17 Km).
    Roads of New Industrial City
    Maintenance of Port Sudan - Airport road.
    Paving of the main Run way and Aircraft Taxi way at Air Force Academy, Port Sudan city & Paving of roads in pedestrian I....
    Construction of reinforced concrete railway crossing way at Deem Gaber.
    Execution , Completion and maintenance of Toker – Garora Road Project (179.7 km.)
    Execution , Completion and maintenance of Gedaref – Samsam – UmElKhair Road and Abu El Naja Link [145.8 km.]
    Construction of Concrete structure of Tower no. 1
    interior Roads- Portsudan
    Rain Water Drainages Construction
    Preliminary works & site preparation of Highrise Residential Complex project in Port Sudan (Stage 1) (Port Sudan Center)
    Service Buildings of Highrise Residential Complex project in Port Sudan (Stage 2) (Port Sudan Center)
    (Residential Complex no. 1) (Stage 3) OF Highrise Residential Complex project in Port Sudan.
    Entertainment Garden at Port Sudan city , Al Khour Area - west of the Highrise Residential Complex.
    Construction of Transiet Bridge